Fazfari Islamic

It was started in 1977 and it has been approved and recognized in 1991 by ‘Samastha Kerala Islam Matha Vidyabhyasa Board’ as per reg No 6342. This is the only madrassa in Malappuram Range where classes are held upto plus two level. The inmates as well as the nearby students are studying here. This institute is working as a model maderassa in all respect. In addition to regular classes practical training programme for Islamic life, literary programmes, special classes by eminent schpolars, Islamic day celebrations are conducting here and this madrassa is selected under the SPQEM scheme of central govt. it occurs a good result in public examination of SKIMVB. A Branch madrassa in also working under this committee at Vazhamparamba, Vallikkapatta.


Admission Forms

All application forms for our various institutions are available to download from here.


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